Monday, July 26, 2010

A question for Jehovah Witnesses members only.?

Thank you for your sincere interest in Jehovah's Witnesses. I will not try to interpretation every disagreement that you enjoy with us;it could take days.However, I will take on one. Jehovah's Witnesses go for it not coach that only 144,000 will be saved. We believe that only 144,000 are chosen by God on go to heaven on control with Christ. All others will perch forever over a Paradise earth. It's a win/win situation.
Next, regarding the 144,000, you state that they are from the tribes connected with Israel as stated on Revelation 7:4-8. These tribes make known on hand cannot be the tribes of natural Israel because there never was a tribe of Joseph, the tribes of Ephraim and Dan are not incorporate in the register here, and the Levites (Levi) were customary aside because ministration customary connection with the temple but were not reckoned as precise of the twelve tribes. (See Numbers 1:4-16 where the ingenious tribes are mentioned by name.) These Jews mentioned in Revelation are not veritable Jews as they rejected Christ. These Jews are irreligious Jews. Notice what is said at Romans 2:28, 29: " He is not a Jew who is one on the outside, nor is circumcision that that is on the outside upon the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one on the inside, also his circumsision is such connected with the pluck by spirit, and not by a written code." Then, on continue, Galatians 3:26-29 further clarifies, " You are all, in fact, sons of God through your faith customary Christ Jesus...There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave not either freeman, there is none father nor female; for you are integer one person customary unison with Christ Jesus. Moreover, if you belong on Christ, you are really Abraham's seed, heirs with reference to a promise." So, these ones who inherit life in the heavens are not soley spiritual Jews, but are spiritual Jews coming from all over the earth. The Gospel reader Luke calls those chosen because alluring life a "little flock". (Luke 12:32) Their number is limited in separation to the billions of mankind who temperament inherit the earth. The Apostle John incorporate to these billions who accede the earth as "other sheep". (John 10:16) As to your verbalization such these are virgins; they are virgins in a spiritual sense. This can be show by the Apostle Paul's statement to the Corinthian congregation at 2 Corinthians 11:2: "For I am envious gone you with a godly jealousy, for I personally promised you in m marriage on precise other half that I might present you equally a CHASTE VIRGIN to the Christ." These sort on control with Christ are called the "Bride of Christ" at Revelation 21:2. They are not literal virgins as we know that the Apostles make up part connected with the 144,000 also manifold of them were married and had children although on earth. The past formed Christian congregations were made of men, women and children. These ones too would make relevant a sector of the 144,000. So, as we can see from these scriptures, they are irreligious virgins, a small group in comparison to the billions connected with mankind, also are not veritable Jews, but spiritual Jews.

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